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Beverly Hills, California, United States
Eli Kantor is a labor, employment and immigration law attorney. He has been practicing labor, employment and immigration law for more than 36 years. He has been featured in articles about labor, employment and immigration law in the L.A. Times, Business Week.com and Daily Variety. He is a regular columnist for the Daily Journal. Telephone (310)274-8216; eli@elikantorlaw.com. For more information, visit beverlyhillsimmigrationlaw.com and and beverlyhillsemploymentlaw.com


Tuesday, October 06, 2015

The Return of the Middle American Radical

National Journal
By John Judis 
October 2, 2015

In 1976, Don­ald War­ren—a so­ci­olo­gist from Oak­land Uni­versity in Michigan who would die two dec­ades later without ever at­tain­ing the rank of full pro­fess­or—pub­lished a book called The Rad­ic­al Cen­ter: Middle Amer­ic­ans and the Polit­ics of Ali­en­a­tion. Few people have read or heard of it—I learned of it about 30 years ago from the late, very ec­cent­ric pa­leo­con­ser­vat­ive Samuel Fran­cis—but it is, in my opin­ion, one of the three or four books that best ex­plain Amer­ic­an polit­ics over the past half-cen­tury.

While con­duct­ing ex­tens­ive sur­veys of white voters in 1971 and again in 1975, War­ren iden­ti­fied a group who de­fied the usu­al par­tis­an and ideo­lo­gic­al di­vi­sions. These voters were not col­lege edu­cated; their in­come fell some­where in the middle or lower-middle range; and they primar­ily held skilled and semi-skilled blue-col­lar jobs or sales and cler­ic­al white-col­lar jobs. At the time, they made up about a quarter of the elect­or­ate. What dis­tin­guished them was their ideo­logy: It was neither con­ven­tion­ally lib­er­al nor con­ven­tion­ally con­ser­vat­ive, but in­stead re­volved around an in­tense con­vic­tion that the middle class was un­der siege from above and be­low.

War­ren called these voters Middle Amer­ic­an Rad­ic­als, or MARS. “MARS are dis­tinct in the depth of their feel­ing that the middle class has been ser­i­ously neg­lected,” War­ren wrote. They saw “gov­ern­ment as fa­vor­ing both the rich and the poor sim­ul­tan­eously.” Like many on the left, MARS were deeply sus­pi­cious of big busi­ness: Com­pared with the oth­er groups he sur­veyed—lower-in­come whites, middle-in­come whites who went to col­lege, and what War­ren called “af­flu­ents”—MARS were the most likely to be­lieve that cor­por­a­tions had “too much power,” “don’t pay at­ten­tion,” and were “too big.” MARS also backed many lib­er­al pro­grams: By a large per­cent­age, they favored gov­ern­ment guar­an­tee­ing jobs to every­one; and they sup­por­ted price con­trols, Medi­care, some kind of na­tion­al health in­sur­ance, fed­er­al aid to edu­ca­tion, and So­cial Se­cur­ity.

On the oth­er hand, they held very con­ser­vat­ive po­s­i­tions on poverty and race. They were the least likely to agree that whites had any re­spons­ib­il­ity “to make up for wrongs done to blacks in the past,” they were the most crit­ic­al of wel­fare agen­cies, they re­jec­ted ra­cial bus­ing, and they wanted to grant po­lice a “heav­ier hand” to “con­trol crime.” They were also the group most dis­trust­ful of the na­tion­al gov­ern­ment. And in a stand that wasn’t really lib­er­al or con­ser­vat­ive (and that ap­peared, at least on the sur­face, to be in ten­sion with their dis­like of the na­tion­al gov­ern­ment), MARS were more likely than any oth­er group to fa­vor strong lead­er­ship in Wash­ing­ton—to ad­voc­ate for a situ­ation “when one per­son is in charge.”

If these voters are be­gin­ning to sound fa­mil­i­ar, they should: War­ren’s MARS of the 1970s are the Don­ald Trump sup­port­ers of today. Since at least the late 1960s, these voters have peri­od­ic­ally co­alesced to be­come a force in pres­id­en­tial polit­ics, just as they did this past sum­mer. In 1968 and 1972, they were at the heart of George Wal­lace’s pres­id­en­tial cam­paigns; in 1992 and 1996, many of them backed H. Ross Perot or Pat Buchanan. Over the years, some of their is­sues have changed—il­leg­al im­mig­ra­tion has re­placed ex­pli­citly ra­cist ap­peals—and many of these voters now have ju­ni­or-col­lege de­grees and are as likely to hold white-col­lar as blue-col­lar jobs. But the ba­sic MARS world­view that War­ren out­lined has re­mained sur­pris­ingly in­tact from the 1970s through the present.

In ex­plain­ing Trump’s as­cent, most polit­ic­al ana­lysts have ig­nored the role of this dis­tinct ideo­logy. In­stead, they have ten­ded to at­trib­ute his suc­cess to his per­son­al style. In Au­gust, for in­stance, The New York Times con­cluded that Trump’s co­ali­tion was “con­struc­ted around per­son­al­ity, not sub­stance.” Polling ex­pert Nate Sil­ver has in­sisted that Trump’s ap­peal, in con­trast to that of Bernie Sanders, is not re­lated to the policies he es­pouses. “Trump,” he writes, “is largely cam­paign­ing on the force of his per­son­al­ity.”

This ex­plan­a­tion isn’t en­tirely wrong: Trump’s per­son­al­ity—his out­spoken­ness, his dis­dain for polit­ic­al-cor­rect­ness, his show­man­ship, his repu­ta­tion as a bil­lion­aire deal-maker—has cer­tainly con­trib­uted to his polit­ic­al suc­cess. In­deed, a force­ful per­son­al­ity—a ver­it­able man on a white horse—is what Don­ald War­ren found MARS to be look­ing for.

But it would be a mis­take to as­sume that Trump’s sup­port­ers are drawn to him simply be­cause of his per­son­al­ity or be­cause, like Ben Car­son and Carly Fior­ina, he is a polit­ic­al out­sider. What has truly sus­tained Trump thus far is that he does, in fact, ar­tic­u­late a co­her­ent set of ideo­lo­gic­al po­s­i­tions, even if those po­s­i­tions are not ex­actly con­ser­vat­ive or lib­er­al. The key to fig­ur­ing out the Trump phe­nomen­on—why it arose now and where it might be headed next—lies in un­der­stand­ing this world­view.

AMER­IC­AN POP­U­LISTS have long con­foun­ded the di­vi­sion between left and right. Left pop­u­lists like Wil­li­am Jen­nings Bry­an and Huey Long sought to cham­pi­on “the people” against Wall Street or big busi­ness; right pop­u­lists like Pitch­fork Ben Till­man and Ger­ald L. K. Smith at­tacked wealthy elites but fo­cused their ire equally—or more so—on minor­it­ies and im­mig­rants. Yet all these pop­u­lists had something in com­mon: They saw them­selves as de­fend­ing the middle class against its en­emies.

Perot was closer to the left-wing tra­di­tion of pop­u­lism: He de­nounced the Gen­er­al Mo­tors ex­ec­ut­ives he had battled and the re­volving-door lob­by­ists in Wash­ing­ton who rep­res­en­ted for­eign firms. Wal­lace and Buchanan leaned more to the right; but just as Perot wasn’t really a lib­er­al, they didn’t eas­ily fit as con­ser­vat­ives. Wal­lace fought in­teg­ra­tion, but he also com­plained that “the present tax laws were writ­ten to pro­tect the Rock­e­fellers, the Fords, the Carne­gies, and the Mel­lons.” Buchanan de­fen­ded “Middle Amer­ica” against “at­ro­cit­ies” com­mit­ted by an “in­va­sion” from the south of “il­leg­al ali­ens”; yet he also foresaw “a battle between the hired men of the Money Power who long ago aban­doned as quaint but use­less old ideas of na­tion­hood—and pop­u­lists, pat­ri­ots, and na­tion­al­ists who want no part of [Clin­ton ad­min­is­tra­tion Treas­ury Sec­ret­ary] Robert Ru­bin’s world.”

Trump is squarely with­in the Wal­lace-Buchanan tra­di­tion. Speak­ing on be­half of the “si­lent ma­jor­ity,” he blames un­doc­u­mented im­mig­rants for urb­an vi­ol­ence (“A lot of the gangs that you see in Bal­timore and in St. Louis and in Fer­guson and Chica­go, you know they’re il­leg­al im­mig­rants”) and for driv­ing down wages and rais­ing wel­fare costs. But he has also ac­cused hedge-fund spec­u­lat­ors of “get­ting away with murder” on their tax bills, while the middle class is be­ing “decim­ated” by taxes; and he has chided in­sur­ance com­pan­ies for get­ting rich off of the Af­ford­able Care Act.

Trump articulates a coherent set of ideological positions, even if those positions aren’t exactly conservative or liberal.

It isn’t just pop­u­lism that un­der­girds the MARS world­view, however; an­oth­er key com­pon­ent is na­tion­al­ism. Wal­lace saw him­self as de­fend­ing Amer­ica against its en­emies at the United Na­tions. He op­posed most for­eign aid. He presen­ted him­self as “a man who would lead Amer­ica to new great­ness” and would “stand up for Amer­ica.” Perot and Buchanan, who ran for of­fice after Amer­ica’s trade sur­plus had turned in­to a grow­ing de­fi­cit, ad­voc­ated na­tion­al­ist eco­nom­ic po­s­i­tions that dis­tin­guished them from most Re­pub­lic­an politi­cians and from “new Demo­crats” like Bill Clin­ton. Perot warned that the North Amer­ic­an Free Trade Agree­ment was cre­at­ing a “gi­ant suck­ing sound” that would draw jobs away from the United States; Buchanan charged that NAF­TA and the Gen­er­al Agree­ment on Tar­iffs and Trade were de­signed for the be­ne­fit of “the mul­tina­tion­al cor­por­a­tions and the fin­an­cial elite.”

Trump has gone even fur­ther on trade. He has prom­ised to rene­go­ti­ate or junk NAF­TA and to slap a pun­it­ive tax on Chinese im­ports. In his an­nounce­ment speech, he pledged to “bring back our jobs from China, from Mex­ico, from Ja­pan, from so many places. I’ll bring back our jobs, and I’ll bring back our money. Right now, think of this: We owe China $1.3 tril­lion. We owe Ja­pan more than that. So they come in, they take our jobs, they take our money, and then they loan us back the money, and we pay them in in­terest, and then the dol­lar goes up so their deal’s even bet­ter.”

He also ar­gued, in his 2011 book, for get­ting “tough on those who out­source jobs over­seas and re­ward com­pan­ies who stay loy­al to Amer­ica. If an Amer­ic­an com­pany out­sources its work, they get hit with a 20 per­cent tax.” And he has prom­ised to end cor­por­ate tax “in­ver­sions,” whereby a com­pany moves its of­fi­cial headquar­ters to a tax haven in or­der to avoid U.S. taxes. Re­cently, I asked Buchanan wheth­er he thought Trump’s pop­u­lism and eco­nom­ic na­tion­al­ism were in line with what he and Perot had ad­voc­ated. “Trump is a bil­lion­aire, but he gets it,” Buchanan told me. “It’s a very pop­u­list ap­peal and it works.”

The fi­nal ma­jor ele­ment of the Wal­lace-Perot-Buchanan-Trump world­view has to do with lead­er­ship and gov­ern­ment—and like oth­er parts of their agenda, it’s com­plic­ated. All four, like many con­ser­vat­ive politi­cians of the past 50 years, harshly cri­ti­cized Wash­ing­ton. Wal­lace charged that the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment “was run by pointy-headed bur­eau­crats who can’t park a bi­cycle straight.” Buchanan called for dis­mant­ling four Cab­in­et de­part­ments. Perot pop­ular­ized the term “grid­lock” in de­scrib­ing Wash­ing­ton polit­ics. Echo­ing his pre­de­cessors, Trump has de­nounced the “total grid­lock” in­side the Belt­way. “Our lead­ers are stu­pid, our politi­cians are stu­pid,” he said dur­ing the first de­bate, adding later that even­ing: “We have people in Wash­ing­ton who don’t know what they are do­ing.”

But in subtle and not so subtle ways, these four men have also en­dorsed a more power­ful ex­ec­ut­ive at the top. Wal­lace, who had thor­oughly dom­in­ated Alabama’s polit­ics, was seen by crit­ics as a po­ten­tial “dic­tat­or.” Buchanan, who had served Richard Nix­on through Wa­ter­gate, touted the leg­acy of his former boss. Perot called for plebis­cites to de­term­ine key eco­nom­ic policies—which would have had the ef­fect of es­tab­lish­ing a dir­ect re­la­tion­ship between the people and the pres­id­ent, thereby by­passing Con­gress. For his part, Trump en­vis­ages the pres­id­ent act­ing as the “deal-maker in chief.” In a 1982 es­say, “Mes­sage from MARS,” Sam Fran­cis, who would later ad­vise Buchanan dur­ing his cam­paigns, called this out­look “Caesar­ism”; it is also re­min­is­cent of Lat­in Amer­ic­an pop­u­lists like Juan Per­on.

In­deed, none of these can­did­ates ne­ces­sar­ily op­posed big gov­ern­ment. Wal­lace was the can­did­ate of right-wing ra­cists, but he also wanted to in­crease So­cial Se­cur­ity be­ne­fits and make the tax sys­tem more pro­gress­ive. Perot was ob­sessed with de­fi­cits and debt, but he wanted to bal­ance the budget by rais­ing taxes on the rich. He also favored a pub­lic-private part­ner­ship to en­sure uni­ver­sal ac­cess to health care. Buchanan and Trump re­jec­ted calls to privat­ize or elim­in­ate So­cial Se­cur­ity and Medi­care. “We’ve got So­cial Se­cur­ity that’s go­ing to be des­troyed if some­body like me doesn’t bring money in­to the coun­try,” Trump said in his an­nounce­ment speech. “All these oth­er people want to cut the hell out of it. I’m not go­ing to cut it at all; I’m go­ing to bring money in, and we’re go­ing to save it.” Trump also prom­ises to fix aging bridges and air­ports. “I want to re­build our in­fra­struc­ture,” he says.

In view of Trump’s stands on gov­ern­ment and eco­nom­ics, his Re­pub­lic­an crit­ics have charged that he is not really a con­ser­vat­ive. In Na­tion­al Re­view, Jo­nah Gold­berg wrote that “no move­ment that em­braces Trump can call it­self con­ser­vat­ive.” That’s prob­ably true; and it was also true of Trump’s pre­de­cessors as MARS stand­ard-bear­ers.

IN 1968, WAL­LACE, run­ning on the Amer­ic­an In­de­pend­ent Party tick­et, won five South­ern states and 46 elect­or­al votes; in early Oc­to­ber 1968, he was still get­ting as high as 20 per­cent of votes na­tion­ally. Run­ning as a Demo­crat in 1972, he won primar­ies in six states, in­clud­ing blue-col­lar Michigan and Mary­land—and was poised to hold the bal­ance of power in the con­ven­tion un­til he was shot and forced to stop cam­paign­ing in May.

In the spring of 1992, Perot an­nounced he was run­ning as an in­de­pend­ent, and by early June, he was lead­ing both Pres­id­ent George H. W. Bush and Demo­crat­ic chal­lenger Bill Clin­ton in the polls with 38 per­cent. Un­der at­tack from in­vest­ig­at­ive journ­al­ists and op­pos­i­tion re­search­ers, Perot pulled out of the race in Ju­ly, but then reentered on Oc­to­ber 1. He even­tu­ally got 19 per­cent of the vote—the best show­ing for a third-party can­did­ate since 1912.

Buchanan ran a protest cam­paign in the Re­pub­lic­an primary in 1992 and got 38 per­cent of the vote against Bush in New Hamp­shire. In 1996, he ran a more ser­i­ous cam­paign and shocked even­tu­al nom­in­ee Bob Dole by tak­ing the Louisi­ana and Alaska caucuses, and then the New Hamp­shire primary. This sum­mer, Trump, of course, astoun­ded polit­ic­al ob­serv­ers, in­clud­ing me, by out­polling his Re­pub­lic­an rivals.

Who are the voters who fueled these cam­paigns? If you take ac­count of changes over the years to the edu­ca­tion­al level and oc­cu­pa­tion­al pro­file of the Amer­ic­an work­force, there is a straight line between the MARS who flocked to Wal­lace and those who have backed Perot, Buchanan, and Trump. In 1968, Wal­lace’s greatest sup­port was among white, male, middle-in­come, and lower-middle-in­come work­ers and small farm­ers who had not gone to col­lege. In Septem­ber 1968, at a time when over a fourth of Amer­ic­an work­ers be­longed to uni­ons, an in­tern­al AFL-CIO sur­vey found that Wal­lace was backed by a third of uni­on voters. In 1972, Wal­lace also re­ceived strong sup­port from blue-col­lar private-sec­tor uni­ons in states like Michigan.

In the 1992 elec­tion, Perot did best among middle-in­come voters and those with some col­lege, as op­posed to those with only a high school edu­ca­tion or those with col­lege de­grees—that is, the very voters who were mostly likely to be feel­ing squeezed from both above and be­low. In the 1996 New Hamp­shire Re­pub­lic­an primary, Buchanan did best among ex­actly the same voters.

There is, as it turns out, considerable overlap between the tea-party worldview and Middle American Radicalism. 

Demo­graph­ic­ally, Trump seems to be at­tract­ing the 2015 equi­val­ent of these voters. In na­tion­al polls of Re­pub­lic­ans, and polls of Iowa caucus­go­ers, Trump’s sup­port is sig­ni­fic­antly stronger among those who do not have col­lege de­grees and earn less than $100,000. In a Quin­nipi­ac na­tion­al poll re­leased on Septem­ber 24, Trump does bet­ter among voters without col­lege de­grees; and most tellingly, voters without col­lege de­grees are much more in­clined than voters with col­lege de­grees to think he “cares about the needs and prob­lems of people like you.” By con­trast, voters with col­lege de­grees are much more likely than those without col­lege de­grees to be­lieve that the three oth­er can­did­ates named in the sur­vey ques­tion—Jeb Bush, Carly Fior­ina, and Ben Car­son—em­path­ize with them. (Most of those voters without de­grees prob­ably did at­tend some col­lege. Ma­jor polls of­ten don’t re­cord sep­ar­ately the small num­ber of Re­pub­lic­ans who haven’t at­ten­ded col­lege at all.)

The es­sen­tial world­view of these Middle Amer­ic­an Rad­ic­als was cap­tured in a 1993 post-elec­tion sur­vey by Stan­ley Green­berg, which found that Perot’s sup­port­ers were more likely than Clin­ton’s or Bush’s to be­lieve that “it’s the middle class, notthe poor who really get a raw deal today” and that “people who work for a liv­ing and don’t make a lot of noise nev­er seem to get a break.” They agreed with Clin­ton voters that cor­por­a­tions don’t “strike a fair bal­ance between mak­ing profits and serving the pub­lic,” but they also agreed with Bush voters that “too many of the poor are try­ing to get something for noth­ing” and that “we have gone too far in push­ing equal rights for dif­fer­ent groups in this coun­try.”

There has been no sim­il­ar polling of Trump’s sup­port­ers, so all one can rely on are crowd re­ac­tions and in­ter­views. Re­cently, I at­ten­ded two Trump ral­lies: one at a high school aud­it­or­i­um in Hamp­ton Falls, New Hamp­shire, where the line to get in stretched all along the side of the build­ing and in­to the park­ing lot, as if it were the first night of a box-of­fice block­buster; the oth­er at the 20,000-seat Amer­ic­an Air­lines Cen­ter in Dal­las. The Dal­las rally too was packed; it was filled with rauc­ous sup­port­ers wear­ing red Trump T-shirts and “Make Amer­ica Great Again” caps. The crowd was over­whelm­ingly white and roughly equally male and fe­male. Even though the rally was held at 6:00, right after work on a week­day, I coun­ted ex­actly two men in the audi­ence who were wear­ing suits and ties—and one of them, whom I in­ter­viewed, had come to ac­com­pany his aging moth­er, a Trump back­er, and was him­self lean­ing to­ward Jeb Bush.

At both ral­lies, Trump’s rail­ing against il­leg­al im­mig­ra­tion got ap­plause. But so did his at­tacks on Chinese cur­rency ma­nip­u­la­tion and cor­por­ate ex­ec­ut­ives who ship jobs over­seas. Al­most all of the ap­prox­im­ately 30 people I in­ter­viewed at these events men­tioned Trump’s op­pos­i­tion to il­leg­al im­mig­ra­tion, his de­fi­ance of polit­ic­al-cor­rect­ness, and the strong lead­er­ship they ex­pec­ted him to bring to the pres­id­ency. Yet al­most every­one also cited his eco­nom­ic na­tion­al­ist stands. “He is about get­ting jobs back. I have two kids that can’t find jobs. The jobs are go­ing to Mex­ico,” one wo­man in New Hamp­shire told me. Said a young Trump sup­port­er in Dal­las, who was also a uni­on mem­ber, “I don’t like the idea of tax dol­lars be­ing used to ship jobs out to Lat­in Amer­ica or East­ern Europe.” (The pre­vi­ous month, an of­fi­cial of a large in­ter­na­tion­al uni­on had told me that if his uni­on held a ref­er­en­dum on who to en­dorse for pres­id­ent, Trump would prob­ably win.) An­oth­er young Trump sup­port­er in Dal­las chided me for ask­ing ques­tions that seemed de­signed to pi­geon­hole him polit­ic­ally. “You are mak­ing as­sump­tions about left and right,” he said. “The me­dia puts us in one or the oth­er. It’s not a good way to define people.”

At the Dal­las rally, I was sup­posed to meet up with a tea-party act­iv­ist whom I had in­ter­viewed for an art­icle two years ago, but we nev­er found each oth­er. So I cor­res­pon­ded with him af­ter­ward about why he was back­ing Trump. Asked about Trump’s eco­nom­ic na­tion­al­ism, he wrote back: “I do not have any prob­lems nor does my wife with any of Trump’s na­tion­al­ist po­s­i­tions. We are all for them. It is long past time that we get our fair share from the Chinese, Ja­pan­ese, Mex­ic­ans, and oth­ers.” I also asked him about Trump’s pledge to pro­tect So­cial Se­cur­ity and Medi­care. His reply? “I do not want Trump to mess with So­cial Se­cur­ity oth­er than to put a pro­pos­al in front of Con­gress on how to fix it and Medi­care for the long run.”

There is, as it turns out, con­sid­er­able over­lap between the tea-party world­view and Middle Amer­ic­an Rad­ic­al­ism. (Here, I would dis­tin­guish between loc­al tea-party groups, which line up with the MARS out­look, and na­tion­al busi­ness front or­gan­iz­a­tions that took on the tea-party mantle, which do not.) In June 2014, for in­stance, tea-party act­iv­ists in great­er Rich­mond led the fight to de­pose House Ma­jor­ity Lead­er Eric Can­tor. Tea-party can­did­ate Dav­id Brat charged Can­tor not only with sup­port­ing am­nesty for il­leg­al im­mig­rants but with back­ing “the crooks up on Wall Street.” Today, not sur­pris­ingly, Trump leads among self-iden­ti­fied tea-parti­ers. In an early Septem­ber CNN / ORC poll, Trump was backed by 41 per­cent of re­spond­ents who said they sup­por­ted the tea party—double that of the next choice.

TO SEE WHERE all of this may be headed, it’s help­ful to con­sider why bursts of Middle Amer­ic­an Rad­ic­al­ism oc­cur at cer­tain mo­ments. Sev­er­al con­di­tions have, in the past, proved cru­cial. One is a wide­spread sense of na­tion­al de­cline. That was cer­tainly the case in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when the United States was mired in Vi­et­nam; in the early 1990s, when the United States faced a pro­trac­ted eco­nom­ic slow­down; and again from 2008 to the present. When the sense of doom has lif­ted, as it did when the Clin­ton boom began in the spring of 1996, the MARS vot­ing bloc has gradu­ally weakened.

The second con­di­tion is pro­nounced dis­trust of the lead­er­ship in Wash­ing­ton. Wal­lace’s MARS were angry about the fed­er­al in­ter­ces­sion in race re­la­tions. In the early 1990s, many con­ser­vat­ive voters felt be­trayed that Bush had broken his prom­ise not to raise taxes, while oth­ers were en­raged by the ad­min­is­tra­tion’s seem­ing in­dif­fer­ence to the re­ces­sion and the grow­ing clout of for­eign lob­by­ists in Wash­ing­ton. That sense of dis­trust com­pletely lif­ted after Septem­ber 11, 2001, when Amer­ic­ans saw the na­tion­al gov­ern­ment as their pro­tect­or. But it has re­turned dur­ing the Obama years: Middle Amer­ic­an Rad­ic­als saw Obama’s re­cov­ery pro­gram and his health care plan as a sop to Wall Street and the poor—which the middle class would have to pay for.

Un­til this sum­mer, Middle Amer­ic­an Rad­ic­als lacked a lead­er—someone to play the cata­lyz­ing role that Wal­lace and Perot had played dec­ades ago—and they were furi­ous at the Re­pub­lic­an con­gres­sion­al lead­er­ship, which they had helped bring in­to power in 2010 and again in 2014, for fail­ing to re­verse Obama’s policies. (One Trump sup­port­er at the Dal­las rally de­scribed House Speak­er John Boehner and Sen­ate Ma­jor­ity Lead­er Mitch Mc­Con­nell to me as “a bunch of trait­ors.”) Then along came Trump—the lead­er the MARS move­ment had been miss­ing.

But can he suc­ceed where Wal­lace, Perot, and Buchanan fell short? Can a MARS can­did­ate ac­tu­ally win the White House? One hes­it­ates at this point to of­fer any pre­dic­tions, but my sus­pi­cion is that Trump will fail like the oth­ers. There is, of course, his volat­ile per­sona, which seems likely to cause self-in­flic­ted wounds (just as Perot’s did in 1992). But the big­ger lim­it­ing factor for Trump is that there are only a cer­tain num­ber of MARS in the coun­try: They con­sti­tute maybe 20 per­cent of the over­all elect­or­ate and 30 to 35 per­cent of Re­pub­lic­ans. That was enough to al­low Trump to lead a crowded GOP field. But as the field nar­rows, he will have dif­fi­culty main­tain­ing his lead un­less he can ex­pand his ap­peal bey­ond the MARS. And it will be hard to do that without threat­en­ing his base of sup­port.

It there­fore seems un­likely that we will end up with a MARS pres­id­ent in 2016 or bey­ond—es­pe­cially since their per­cent­age of the elect­or­ate is con­tinu­ing to shrink. Still, that doesn’t mean MARS will ne­ces­sar­ily fail to have a polit­ic­al im­pact. After all, tea-party act­iv­ists—a group Har­vard so­ci­olo­gist Theda Skoc­pol es­tim­ated at 250,000 dur­ing Obama’s first term—have had a de­cis­ive in­flu­ence on the bal­ance of power in the House of Rep­res­ent­at­ives since 2010.

The size of the MARS role go­ing for­ward will ul­ti­mately de­pend on wheth­er Amer­ic­ans be­lieve their na­tion is in de­cline and wheth­er they think the politi­cians in Wash­ing­ton are cap­able of, or even in­ter­ested in, re­vers­ing that de­cline. Ron­ald Re­agan dis­pelled fears of de­cline and was thus able to ab­sorb many former Wal­lace sym­path­izers with­in the GOP. Fol­low­ing Bill Clin­ton’s re­pu­di­ation by voters in Novem­ber 1994, he moved to the polit­ic­al cen­ter and was able to lim­it (though by no means elim­in­ate) the ef­fect of middle-class rad­ic­al­ism. Both Re­agan and Clin­ton be­nefited, however, from a grow­ing eco­nomy and ap­par­ent suc­cesses over­seas. Will the next ad­min­is­tra­tion en­joy the same good for­tune? With the world eco­nomy still in the doldrums, an on­go­ing crisis in the Middle East, and a po­lar­ized and para­lyzed Wash­ing­ton, I doubt it. What’s most likely is that Middle Amer­ic­an Rad­ic­al­ism will keep sim­mer­ing, un­til it finds a new cham­pi­on and boils over once again.

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